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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 517 - Brutal Honesty and Overwhelmed

I am writing this post today mostly for myself.  I have had a rough 2 days since I have been home from vacation.  I really don't know why.  I really feel like I am being pulled in a 1000 different directions, yet I am still lost. It is not that I am unhappy, I just feel lost.  I feel like my purpose is unknown to me.  I feel like I don't have a direction and I just grasp at whatever looks good for the moment.  There is so much information and advice on EVERYTHING and I feel overwhelmed on who to listen to and what "method" or "plan" to choose.  I really feel like I need a clean slate.  I really need to step back and look at what my goals are and the best way to achieve them.  I sometimes forget that I am not in control, but God is.  I try to steer the direction and forget to look to His word for my guidance.  I don't have to live up to what anybody else says, but Him.  He is my compass for life.  I don't know why I am feeling this way, but I am.  I think part of my problem is that since I gave up my teaching career due to my visual impairment, I just never regained a purpose.  I don't have a schedule or a routine.  I feel like I am just floating along life.  I guess it is good that I realize this and now I have to take steps to correct my path.

I don't know quite where to start, but I am going to start where I feel like it may help.  So for today my goal is to set myself a routine, a schedule to follow.  I am NOT a huge planner, but I really feel like I need some guidelines.  I am tired of feeling like life is passing me by and I am merely existing in the midst.  SO, time to make a schedule!

  • 6:47- Wake-up (I have gotten VERY bad about sleeping in, I know waking up at a regular time will be good for me and I am weird and have OCD because I cannot wake up on an even number or a 5)
  • 7:00-Breakfast with my boys
  • 7:30 - See the boys off to school
  • 7:50 - Coffee and devotion time
  • 8:30 - Shower and get ready for the day
  • 9:00 - Walk, bike, drive to work (weather dependent)
  • 9:00-11:30 - Work at the office
  • 11:30-12:00 - Walk. bike, drive home
  • 12:00-12:30 - Lunch
  • 12:30-1:00 - Blog
  • 1:00-2:00 - Quiet Time (this may be a nap or just reading)
  • 2:00-3:00 - Intentional Activity
  • 3:00-3:30 - Afternoon tea and snack (sounds so fancy)
  • 3:30-4:00 - Kids get home from school
  • 4:00-5:00 - Free time
  • 5:00-5:30 - prepare dinner
  • 5:30 - dinner (really going to focus on meal planning and cooking more at home and making the family sit and eat together)
  • 6:00-7:00 - Kitchen Clean-up and chore time
  • 7:00-8:00 - Activity with the kids
  • 8:00-10:00 - TV time
  • 10:00-10:30 - prepare for bed
  • 10:30 - LIGHTS OUT
I know this may sound RIGID to some of you, but I think I will benefit from the structure and so will my kids.  So for today, this was my goal.  I am going to write this out and STICK to it.  I am going to make Thursday my day off of work because that is when I have Weight Watchers, grocery shop, and I will try to schedule all my appointments on that day of the week.

Step 1 - Complete
Step 2 - NO CLUE, but I will let you know when I do.

I know this may not mean a thing to you, but it was so helpful for me to write. Sending you all love and healthy wishes!

Keep Losing,


  1. Hey, Kari! Just wanted to say hi and see you at FitBloggin' 14 :)
    All the best, Lena @

  2. Awesome Lena! Can't wait to meet you!!!!
