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Friday, May 30, 2014

Days 573-575 - One Legged Workout and Foodie PenPal Reveal

Happy Friday!!!  Today has been a great day so far.  I had another post-op visit this morning and he removed my cast and I got to see my incision for the first time:

He removed the staples and put on a new beautiful purple cast:

Two more weeks in this cast and then a boot cast for 4 weeks.  Then my son and I headed to Subway for lunch.  He has decided to do Weight Watchers and work out with me this summer.  I am so happy!!! I got my favorite double chopped chicken salad loaded with all the veggies, avocado, and red wine vinegar.  A HUGE salad for only 6 points+.  I was so sad that I could not even finish it and had to throw some away!
Then we headed to the gym where my son signed up for the summer!!  YAY!!!!!!
I had a training session today for the first time since my surgery.  I did manage to warm-up on the bike for 10 minutes (1.2 miles)  And then here was my circuit for today:
May not seem like much, but balancing on one leg and trying the above was quite a workout!  It felt so good to get back to the gym!!!  Here is our post-workout selfie he HAD to take in the mirror! (Ignore my shorts riding up)
Then a trip to Starbucks for an iced skinny vanilla latte (3 points+)
It was a good day around here!  Hope you all had a good day too.  And now for my foodie pen pal reveal.

I tried the Bombay Potatoes over some brown rice and OH MY was it delicious!  Hubby really liked the Chana Choor.  Haven't tried the Spinach Dal yet!
I ate these bottom two bars already and they were YUMMY!  Have not had a chance to try anything else.  This was an AWESOME package!!!

Here’s some details about FPP in case you want to join in:

-On the 5th of every month, you will receive your penpal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your penpal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.

-You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your penpal! 

-The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. 

-Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers. 

-Foodie Penpals is open to US, Canadian & European residents.  Please note, Canadian Residents will be paired with other Canadians only. Same with Europeans.  

Click here to go to the site.

Sorry for the lengthiness today!  Sending you all love and healthy wishes!

Keep Losing,


  1. Wow, you totally got a lot of items in your foodie package! Love the Indian food items!

    Also, kudos to you for committing to a healthier you by using Weight Watchers. I am on the weight loss path too, and it is no joke! Each day you get through it is a victory! Keep up the great work! :-)

  2. I *love* those Bombay Potatoes!! Have you ever tried their Madras Lentils? I get them at Costco and they are really yummy over a grain like quinoa, brown rice, bulgur, etc. The lentils are 4 PointsPlus per serving on Weight Watchers.

  3. Very nice purple cast.Has your leg tottaly healed?Hope you feel better and dont have any pain.
