I can't believe it is Tuesday already. My kiddos last day of school is Thursday. I am ready to have them home for the summer. I had an AMAZING weekend. I unplugged from social media and it was so nice and relaxing to just spend time in the moment with my family. Here are a few pics to sum up my weekend:
Friday night I got to hold my baby kitty again. I cannot wait until he is old enough to stay with me all the time!!! We spent the night just relaxing at home!
Saturday night we got out in the convertible and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL weather. We had dinner at Outback!
Some of our friends were camping at the lake, so we decided to go down there after dinner. I walked/rolled as far as I could, but I still enjoyed watching the sunset and watching them all fish!
Sunday we took the convertible out again and went to Red Lobster. I tried this dish and oh my goodness was it delicious. I was just sad that I couldn't eat it all :(
Monday we relaxed around the house and hubby grilled for us. I did manage to clean most of my kitchen up. With me being immobile and having two boys and a husband it was pretty gross.
Needless to say that today I am EXHAUSTED AND SORE. I am trying to not take any pain meds and I can definitely tell. Today I am relaxing in my chair and binging on Lost. What a crazy show!
And now for this week's Transformation Tuesday story from Angie at Fat an Flab 2 Fit an Fantab : My Journey to a New ME.
Hi, I would love to share my story with you and all of your followers. I am 38 years old and a mother of 4 children ranging from 20-11 years old. I work full time and these kids of mine keep me pretty busy, so just like most people I used that as excuses for not having the time to take care of myself. In November of 2011 my mother who was only 56 years old lost her left leg due to Diabetes and circulation issues. Her health has been one horror story after another before and since then. At the time she lost her leg I basically became her sole caretaker in the beginning until all the medical care and therapy, doctors’ appointments and other newly failing health issues we had to place her in a retirement home so that someone could be with her 24/7.. At 56 years old… for the next few weeks I would look in the mirror and cry I didn’t want to burden my children to have to care for me in that capacity, missing time with their own families and creating memories to have to care for me because I made the CHOICE NOT TO care for myself. On Christmas Day we always take family pictures me, my kids, my mom, and my husband and my oldest child made a comment that she had never seen me so big, my heart sank.. and I started the very next day changing my life, I walked into a WW meeting ( like I had done so many times before, that they always remember me) I stepped on that scale and was pushing 270 pounds I almost died right there… I used their plan for about 8 months losing the first 46 pounds of my journey … with the WW points system and exercising… then I switched my system to using My Fitness Pal and my daily workouts I have since lost another 50 pounds total time on my journey has been 28 ½ months…. I have not made drastic changes like cutting out certain food groups, I try to avoid FAST FOOD DRIVE THRUS, I enjoy the dinners out with my family, at real restaurants, I enjoy the baked sweets which was once my weakness…. I enjoy these things in MODERATION, I learned to move more, that my body could do things that I never would have imagined because I was too busy making excuses as to why I couldn’t. My life is different because I look good, feel good inside and out, I don’t beat myself up or feel like a failure when I slip up… I am proud to say that now I enjoy life and living it instead of just being here and existing in it. My advice for new people following this journey or even those recommitting is to start small, you don’t have to change everything in one day, don’t start something you know you can’t do for the rest of your life, take time to focus on you (it’s OK to be selfish, to exercise, meal prep, just to work on the mental side, a very hard thing to do especially those with families at home) if you don’t do this one day you not be here to enjoy the good times and memories that are going to be made. And most important if you fall off the wagon, don’t beat yourself up take the time you need then get up dust yourself off and get back on.. It’s a LIFESTYLE CHANGE … lose the DIET MENTALITY.

What an AMAZING story. I really have nothing to add. She said it all here. Thank you so much for sharing with us! You can follow her on Facebook for even more inspiration at
If you would like a chance to tell your story,
click here to fill out the form. I LOVE seeing all of the inspiration and we have to lift each other up! We are all in this together!
Sorry for the lengthiness today! Sending you all love and healthy wishes!!
Keep Losing,
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