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Monday, May 5, 2014

Days 548-550 - Monday Motivation - "New to Me" Food Find

Happy Monday!!!  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  I know I did.  I am ready for this new week!  I met with my personal trainer for the first time this morning.  This morning was all about setting goals and doing some assessments.  She took my body fat percentage, weight, measurements, blood pressure and heart rate.  She will re-check these every 6 weeks.  YAY!!  I came home and got my workout done and out of the way for the day!

I also got a call from the nurse at my foot specialist.  The results of my MRI are in.  She named off two things that were wrong, but I could not tell you what they were.  She said my doctor wants to see me to discuss treatment options this week.  So I go in on Friday morning to find out.  I know she said something about fluid around the bursa and something else about the tendon.  So I guess I will have to wait until Friday to find out.  I have a 5 mile Glow Walk scheduled for Friday night and I am planning on completing as much as I can and pushing through the pain.

As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed with my morning cup(s) of coffee, I came across this photo:
I am motivated by many people, but this really stuck with me.  If this little boy can overcome his obstacles and do this and SMILE about it, why can't I.  Why do I let my excuses become bigger than my dreams.  NO MORE!  This little boy will be my reminder that it is ALL possible!

Ever feel like this:
DIETS DON"T WORK!  We have to learn to have a healthy relationship with food and learn to balance the good and the not so good in a way that works for OUR body!  And sometimes this girls NEEDS (more like wants) ice cream.  So take a look at a "new to me" food find:

Holy moly guacamole these are tasty!  And only 4 points+ each.  I honestly think these are better than any treat I could get at the local ice cream place!  HINT: Hide these from your children and spouse or they disappear quickly!  These are great for an occasional treat!!!

Well, I know this was a random post, but that is it for today!  Tune in tomorrow for a Transformation Tuesday story.  Sending you all love and healthy wishes!

Keep Losing,

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