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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 565 - Transformation Tuesday - Meet Marylynn

I have another AMAZING story for you today!  Today meet Marylynn!!

Tell us a little about yourself:
I am a working wife and mother of two teenage boys who are very active in Football. I love watching them play and being one of their biggest fans!! I treasure every moment that we get to spend together as a family!!

Starting Weight:

Current Weight:

What made you decide to live a healthier lifestyle?
I typically am the person who would never be in pictures or was never in a situation where I had to be in pictures, and then it happened. In April of 2013 we had a birthday party for my boys and one of my friends took my picture and posted it on Facebook. I was tagged in it and was horrified, all I could do was cry. I kept saying to myself I can't really look like that, and then it was how did I allow myself to look like that. When I looked in the mirror she wasn't who I saw and my husband was always telling me how great I looked so I just didn't realize my size. Back then I was devastated about that picture but now I am forever grateful. That was the reality check I so desperately needed.

What changes have you made?
I started going to the gym every morning before work no matter what. Which is five days a week. I also cut out all sodas and drink water all day long. I used My Fitness Pal to track my calories and predominantly stay at or around 1500 which is what it recommends for my weight loss. I also in trying to have my whole family eat healthy utilize my weight watchers cookbook and make my family dinners from it.

How is your life different now?
I for the first time in years am taking care of myself. I have started getting my hair and nails done. It feels good to invest in myself and take pride in my appearance. I have alot more energy and I absolutely love going to the gym. That's my me time and I embrace it.

What do you do for physical activity?
I workout at the gym, I am getting into more of the weight training but still get in at least two days of intense cardio a week.

What is your favorite healthy food or meal?
My favorite is spinach salad with strawberries and light Greek yogurt. To me its like having dessert for dinner.

Any advice for others on their own journey?
Don't get discouraged, for the last two months the scale has only changed three pounds for me but I know my body is changing. I only weigh myself once a month and I don't let that number define me or discourage me. Know one sees the scale but me, others only see how I look in my clothes and not what size they are either.

Marylynn, I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with us.  I LOVE what you say about the scale.  I think so many of us get wrapped up in what the number says and we forget all of the other amazing things that are happening to our bodies.  And what an example you are setting for your boys!!

If you would like a chance to tell your story, click here to fill out the form.  I LOVE seeing all of the inspiration and we have to lift each other up! We are all in this together!

In case you missed yesterday's post, I am coordinating a new program called Weight Watcher's Cheer Buddies.  For more information click here!  Check it out!

Sending you all love and healthy wishes!

Keep Losing,

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