Today started off as "ONE OF THOSE DAYS" This was totally not what I was going to blog about today, but I need to express these feelings.
#1 I woke up this morning with an upset tummy. (Probably from the half of the hot fudge sundae I indulged in last night) Do you know how hard it is to get into the bathroom quickly on one leg? NOT FUN!
#2 I have been HOT all day and just not feeling my best. I haven't even taken any pain meds and all I want to do is sleep today.
#3 I tried to fight the urge to go back to bed by cleaning my kitchen, and I slashed open my finger on my chopper blade. And I am talking blood EVERYWHERE, all down my clothes, all over my iPad (which was in my scooter basket). Took me forever to get a napkin on the other side of the kitchen. It is still throbbing and hurting. At this point I gave up and went to lay down in bed. Laying there feeling sorry for myself, I decided I needed to get up, get dressed, and get out of the house. So I did. I managed to crawl down the steps, make it to my car, load my scooter, use my crutches to get into the driver's seat and drive to the office to see my hubby. He was ready to run some errands so I went with him!

#4 Made it through Lowe's just fine with my scooter and was feeling confident. Next we headed to WalMart where disaster struck. We were walking in the parking lot and I was rolling away when I hit a bump and went flying face first over my scooter and landed on the ground. First off I was embarrassed as ever. Everyone was watching me and I was trying hard not to cry. Hubby was trying to help me get up, but I just couldn't get up without putting any weight on my bad leg. Some stranger pulled his truck over and he kindly helped hubby heft this 300 pound woman off of the ground. I scraped up my knees, toes, and hands pretty good, but I continued into WalMart and rolled around in pain fighting back tears. And I bent the basket on my scooter. When we got back into the car, I cried and cried and cried. I am still kinda teary now. I thought I was doing so good.
So I was feeling pretty crappy about my day. Hubby was super kind and got me a Starbucks (which always makes everything better) I even loved the little message on my cup wrap:
So what is the point of sharing all of this with the social media world? Well, I posted about this on my Facebook page and one AMAZING person commented with this:
BUT, you got back up We all need help sometimes, take another approach to how you look at the situation, see it as a remind of your daily struggles and how you are pushing through them Glad you are ok!
This comment really got me to thinking about life and everything we go through. It is a reminder that I cannot do everything by myself. I do need help. Sometimes it is the help of a stranger at WalMart and mostly it is God;s help to face everyday life. We ALL fall, literally or figuratively. What matters is that we get back up again. Whether this is with weight loss or any other struggle or just physically falling down. I really think I was being taught a lesson today: STOP RELYING ON YOU, AND REMEMBER ME, THE ONE WHO CREATED YOU!. Message well received even though it took some skinned up knees and toes and a sore shoulder to get the message.
Reminds me of this song:
Now a year and a half ago, this would be cause for some major binge eating. Food would soothe my bad day (granted only for about 5 minutes and then I would feel worse). But today, that urge came and then it went away. I had this blog to come to and express how I feel and work through those emotions. I know God is the only thing that will make my crappy day better because He loves me no matter how bad my days are!
So back to the title of this post, Jesus took what started off as a crappy day and made it smell GOOD by turning into a reminder that I need HIM even when I think I can do it alone!
My hair is a mess, my eyes are red from crying, BUT I am smiling because because there is joy in all things and I will boast in the Lord my God!
Sending you all love and healthy wishes!
Keep Losing,
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