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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday Weigh-In and MORE!!!!!!!!!

Today is weigh-in day!!!!! I decided this past week that I would try the Simply Filling Technique that Weight Watchers has in addition to their points plus program.  I must say that I really liked it!  I know that part of this program releases you from having to track everything.  I found that I still had to track everything in the WW app.  I need that accountability.  I was not hungry one time that it was not a meal or snack time and I did not have many cravings.  So how did it work????
That's right:  HOLY COW!!!! I was down 3.6 pounds for a total of 101 pounds GONE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am overjoyed!  I am officially at the lowest weight I have been at in at least 15 years, I have lost more this time around then any other attempt at losing weight, and I am only 1.3 pounds away from being in the 200's!!!!!!!!!!! AND, my sister lost another 2 pounds, so she has lost 13 pounds in her first 2 weeks!!!  

So I entered my weight loss into to see my equivalent and it only goes up to 100 pounds.  So I now have to do two of them.  So far I have lost a 2 month old horse and a guinea pig.  Check yours here

I know I write a lot of the same things on here again and again, but they are important for me and I want so much to show others that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!  I don't care what framework you use, Weight Watchers, calorie counting, MediFast, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Paleo, etc.  Healthy weight loss boils down to 2 (well for me 3) main factors:
  1. Eat healthy foods and healthy portions (not necessarily to eat less)
  2. Move - Any physical activity you can add will aid your healthy lifestyle
  3. Know your worth - For me this has been the biggest component for me.  I did not truly see value in myself.  Was I really worth all the effort it took to do this? YES I was and YES I still am and SO ARE YOU!!!! Learn to love yourself where you are right now this second and your journey will be easier.  That does not mean that because you love yourself how you are that you can't make changes but if you can''t love yourself now, it will not be any easier in 5, 10, 15 or 100 pounds.
I have met some AMAZING people along my journey, both in person and online. I get a lot of messages with a lot of questions and pleas for advice.  I really try to answer each one to the best of my knowledge.  I can only share what has worked for me personally.  I thought I would share a recent message I got from an awesome lady a few days ago and my response to her.  I did eliminate some personal things to help protect her identity.

Her message to me:

Thank you so much ! Well, I am all set up and plan to weigh in next Monday and then every Monday from there on out. My main issue is figuring out what foods I should be eating... I have been keeping within my points but honestly just eating stuff I used to but in smaller portions. Is this right? Or should I be focusing on doing certain things ? How many meals/snacks a day? Etc. Also- when did you start adding in exercise and how ?? have failed many times before and I am only xx. I am xxx lbs and I am over living this unhealthy lifestyle. You have inspired me more than you will ever know. I appreciate any feedback !

My response:

Okay. So when I started I weighed 402.2. I got 61 points a day. I could not believe how much food that was. I thought there was NO way I could lose weight eating that much. I still ate mostly the same things, but smaller portions and within my points. My first week I lost like 8 pounds. I was SHOCKED! Now as I have lost and my points have gone down I have changed some of the foods I eat. One piece of advice I stress is to make sure you get in your good health guidelines: 2 healthy oils, 5 fruits and veggies, 2/3 dairy servings, and LOTS OF WATER. If you are getting all of those in and still have points to eat "treats" then eat. You will lose. I usually eat breakfast, lunch, 3:00 snack, dinner, 8:00 snack. Some people eat a snack between breakfast and lunch. Find what works for you. And learn when you are truly hungry. I know I have an emotional eating problem so I have really had to work on eating only when my body needed food and training my mind to do other things when emotions take over. For example, my blog and facebook page keep me busy! I wish I could tell you how many times I have failed. I lost count. You only truly fail if you quit and never get back up! You can do this! I'm here for you. I'll help any way I can. As far as exercise goes, I started about a month after I joined WW. BUT, it was very little. Sometimes just walking 5 minutes was all I could do, but it was more than I was doing before. I just challenged myself to add a minute every week. Don't feel like you have to do everything at once. At the weight we both started, exercise seems impossible. Don't get overwhelmed, do what you can when you can!!!!! Keep me posted on your progress. I have also been thinking about posting my food journal each night. Lots of people are asking what I eat. Would that help you?? Keep it up girl! You are worth it!

My FAVORITE part of starting my Facebook page and my blog are getting to know all of you and watch you learn that YOU CAN DO THIS!  If you learn nothing at all from me but that, then I have accomplished something.  

Don't forget to reflect on our verse for the week:

That is all for today!!  Sending you all love and healthy thoughts!

Keep Losing,


  1. WTG on reaching such an amazing milestone on your journey, Kari!!!

  2. Congratulations on your success! That is awesome! You are such an inspiration to me!
