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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday Weigh-In Results (FINALLY)

I was finally able to go back to Weight Watchers today!  It was so nice to see everyone and everyone was very glad to see me again!  I had weighed in two times while at home recovering and both were BAD. Here are those results:

I totally let this surgery be an excuse to do whatever I wanted, but NOT ANYMORE. I cannot believe I let myself get back to 320 pounds, but I did and now I have to move on.  So I am glad that I had weighed at home because I got to see a loss today!!!!!! Here are today's results:
In the past two weeks, I have lost 11.8 of those terrible pounds I gained back! I am on the right track again and it feels wonderful!  What is done is done and I am moving on!  I am still up about 12 pounds from before my surgery, but they will come off soon!  I have no doubt! 

I am increasing my personal training at the gym from once a week to three times a week and I am so excited.  I really like my trainer and I think the accountability will be good for me!  

Well, I am saying adios for now! Sending you all love and healthy wishes!

Keep Losing,


  1. You can do this Kari! I love you positive attitude and look forward to your daily posts!!

  2. So proud of you Kari!! You are doing it lady!
