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Friday, November 15, 2013

Frustrated Friday


I can't believe it is Friday already.  This week has just flown by.  I was not sure what I was going to write about today.  I had several different ideas, but I think what I am going to share may help me vent a little. This really doesn't have much to do with weight loss, but it does have to do with a revelation I had about my life. Yesterday afternoon and ALL day today have been spent cleaning my house.  We have a fairly large house and very messy kids, so it takes awhile to get it all clean at once.  My youngest son has invited 7 of his friends over tomorrow to celebrate his 12th birthday.  So I am trying to make everything presentable.  And as of right now, everything is clean.  At least for the next hour, which is when the kiddos get home.

I will tell you I was a but grumpy.  It seems like every day it is picking up the same things, making the same beds, laundry laundry laundry, cleaning 4 bathrooms.  I get so sick of repeating the same chores over and over again and I get grouchy when everyone gets home and NO ONE notices what I did.  I feel taken for granted and like no one appreciates me.  Poor me, pity party.

Then the oddest thing happened in the oddest of places.  I was finally getting a shower at 2:00 in the afternoon and a song kept playing over and over in my head.

 The basis of this song is that everything you do is for the glory of God.  HELLO!!  Here I am being a grump and God smacks me upside the head and says stop whining, everything you do, do for ME!  My love for Christ is displayed in how I love my family and how I take care of them.  I should not be looking for recognition for my actions every time I clean a toilet.   God sees EVERYTHING I do, no matter how large or how small.  That is what I need to focus on, not accolades for myself.  This is not easy to do, but I am really going to try to work on remembering that everything I do is for His glory and NOT MINE!!!

I apologize for getting of the "weight loss/fitness" track today, but I really felt the need to write this.  I want my life to be an example of Christ's love for us, not my love of myself.  I cannot do anything without Him.  I know part of my journey to becoming a better me will involve spiritual as well as physical changes.  I feel like today I was reminded of that.

November 15 - Today I am thankful for the quiet.  It is in those times that God speaks to me in a big way and helps me grow just a little more each day!

On a different note, hubby and I will have NO kids overnight.  And guess what we are doing????  Yep, going to Wal-Mart!  We are so exciting!!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and continue making choices that make you happier and healthier in every way.

Keep Losing,

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