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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Letter to Myself

Last night, we went to Outback for dinner.  For the first time in a long time, I dipped into my extra weekly allowance points.  I did not go crazy, but here is what I had:
Bloomin Onion: 9 points+
Salad (no cheese, no croutons, Tangy Tomato): 2 points+
Alice Springs Chicken: 20 points+
Baked Sweet Potato w/ butter: 8 points+
4 Bites of the Thunder from Down Under: 11 points+

So after eating all of that (and I was stuffed), I had to use 21 of my 49 weekly points.  And today I am feeling guilty and full of negative self-talk.  I have decided to write myself a letter today to help myself deal with these emotions today.  So here goes!

Dear Kari,
Can you believe that you have lose 94.4 pounds in the past year.  That is amazing!!! You feel like a different person, have so much more energy, and actually enjoy some physical activity.  Throughout this journey you are learning how to eat real food the right way.  You are learning to eat to live and not live to eat.  You are learning that eating your emotions does not make them go away.  Today you are feeling guilty because you enjoyed a meal last night.  STOP!!!  I know you were planning on weighing in tomorrow.  Do you really think eating one meal like you did is going to cause you to gain all of your weight back?  Do you think that if you do weigh in and gain a little that your whole journey will be ruined?  Why are you so worried about the number on the scale.  It is only one indicator of the changes you are making.  A year ago, you would have had french fries, bread, and an entire dessert at Outback.  Food is fuel for your body and you have to eat.  Food should be enjoyed to a limit.  It should be pleasing to fill hunger and nothing else.  There is no harm in enjoying a meal and you cannot beat yourself up over it.  Yes, you stepped on the scale this evening and saw a higher number.  Yes, you want to skip weigh-in tomorrow.  But you won't.  Up or down, you will face that scale and know that all the choices you made this week were within your plan and you will reach your ultimate goal of healthy living.  You are an amazing woman, you are strong and beautiful.  Others see it in you, it is time you see it in yourself.  There will be days that you feel like a failure at being mom, wife, daughter, sister, Child of God, friend, etc.  That is NORMAL!!  Don't give into those feelings!!!!  Keep being awesome!


I know this may seem silly, but it was healing for me to write,  Hopefully I will follow my own advice and weigh-in before my eye appointment tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

November 19 - Today I am thankful for my sister, Krissy.  I know I have said it before but it bears repeating.  We have become good friends and I love her very much.

November 20 - Today I am thankful for God's unconditional love for me.  Even when I am hard on myself, He will always love me!

Keep Losing,

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