"I will happy with myself when I fit into a size 8"
"Being skinny will help me love myself"
"I hate my body"
How many times do we say these things to ourselves? We show love and support to others, but we are down on our own selves. I know I am very guilty of this. I have very low self-esteem and I never see my own worth, but I sure can cheer someone else on for their accomplishments. Why should I have to wait until I feel "worthy" to become involved in things? Why can't I be worthy now? AND I AM! I say that, but I still don't totally believe it. I am working on it. Everyday is a struggle for me, but I am working on it. I am so worried about what other people will say or think about me, but I don't even stop to think about how hard I am on myself. I don't know if this makes any sense to you, but I know all signs have pointed to me needing to write these words. Last night a friend posted this on her Facebook page:
Really hit me hard! I have to make some changes in my relationship with ME!! I was cooking Thanksgiving lunch for our employees today and this song kept playing by Mandisa.
The words of this song mirror me exactly. If God loved me enough to send His one and only son to die on the cross for ME, shouldn't I be able to love myself?
So, I found the above graphic and I am really going to make an effort to love myself where I am NOW, and not keep waiting until........... I am worthy.
So to turn the topic a bit, I shared this on my Facebook page this morning, but I want to share it again. I have been watching a series on YouTube called "The Skinny on Obesity." This series really talks about the science and medicine behind the obesity problem. While I may not agree with everything, there is a lot of good information. I encourage you to watch it. Each episode is only about 8 minutes long. I will post the first episode here for you.
And I am posting my new collage I made today for Transformation Tuesday!
And last, but not least I want to share a new find with you. Someone had posted this on a Weight Watchers group last night. I found it at Wal-Mart today and it is yummy!!! Hits the spot for a something sweet craving for 0 points!
That is it for today! I know it was a jumble of stuff today. Tomorrow's post will have my Thanksgiving menu included so stay tuned! And thanks for ALL of your support!
Keep Losing,