Happy Friday! I am glad it is the weekend. I have had a busy week and am ready for a few days of relaxation with my family. I did go and get my hair did today. Got some new color and a trim. Here it is:
And last night, we got to bring our baby kitties home! So meet the two new members of our family:
I also wanted to share about my first NatureBox I received this week. This is a monthly subscription box where you choose the snacks you want to receive each month (or you can choose to get surprised). They have different pricing options depending on how many snack bags you want to receive. I signed up for 5 snack bags per month. There are many, many options for snacks and I cannot wait to try them all!! My family was like vultures when the box arrived! Click here if you are interested and get $10 off of your first box. For some reason, I received 6 bags this month. Here is what I tried the first round:
PB & J Granola - This was very tasty! I really liked it. Everyone else in my family liked it too! 1/2 cup = 7 points+

Roasted Sea Salt Chickpeas - I also really liked these. I just tasted them, but plan on using these as a crunchy in a salad soon!!! 1/3 cup = 3 points+

Harvest Rice Sticks - This is the bag I received extra. They are pretty good. Not sure I would order them regularly, but I think they would be good with soup! 1/4 cup = 4 points+

Pumpkin Cranberry Crave - THIS WAS SO YUMMY!!!!!!! This could be dangerous in my house. I sampled it and plan on putting this in my oatmeal this weekend and maybe even in a bowl of Cheerios. 1/4 cup = 4 points+

Praline Pumpkin Seeds - ANOTHER AMAZING SNACK! I put these in a bowl of oatmeal this week and OMGLMNOP was it delicious. Will definitely order these again! 1/3 cup = 4 points+

Peanut Butter Nom Noms - These were SO good, but could be a trigger for me. Thank goodness there were only 5 in the bag so we all split them! 1 cookie = 3 points+
I will try to share the snacks I get each month! I hope you all have an AMAZING weekend! Sending you all love and healthy wishes!
Keep Losing,
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