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Monday, July 20, 2015

Atychiphobia - Mental Health Monday

Welcome to Mental Health Monday! This was born out of Liz and my session on Depression, Anxiety and Healthy Living from Fitbloggin’ 15. Every 1st and 3rd Monday one of us will host a link up for others to share their experiences with Mental illness – either from their own experience or from the experience of helping and walking with others. Our goal is to reach out to the world and let people know that they are not alone in their struggles. You are never alone. Join us – link up, visit new blogs, support others. Speak out: “I am crazy…CRAZY AWESOME!”

This week's link up is hosted by Stephanie (who just finished the IronMan yesterday AMAZING) at Athlete at Heart.

Why do we accomplish things and then all of a sudden we slide backwards so far we never feel like we can go forwards again?  This is something I have thought about over and over again.  I lose weight, things are going smoothly and BAM I quit and gain back.  I get into an amazing exercise routine and BAM, I quit and have to begin again.  Why do I do this?

Well, I really think it is a fear of failure.  When I was googling graphics for this post, I came across this big word and it's definition:

Atychiphobia is the abnormal, unwarranted, and persistent fear of failure, a type of specific phobia. As with many phobias, atychiphobia often leads to a constricted lifestyle, and is particularly devastating for its effects on a person's willingness to attempt certain activities.

I honestly believe that I am so afraid of failing, that I might as well not try.  If I don't even try, I can't fail, right?  I hate the feeling of failing at anything.  It is like an anxiety attack when I can't do something,  Even at the gym with my trainer, I get teary eyes if I cannot do something he asks me to do.  Silly, right? But it is me, and I am sure it is some of you as well.

I know I have to work on this and I have a counseling appointment today so I plan on asking for some advice on how to work on this.  I know in my brain that I only fail if I truly quit and give up, but I can't tell the other parts of me that.  

I really have no answers for today's post.  I am working so hard on learning to like myself and to put myself out in situations that challenge my anxiety.  I am trying to reflect on the why? 

Why do I bully myself?
Why am I so afraid of what others think of me?
Why, why, why?

I am slowly searching for those answers and I will try to share all my ramblings as I find them.

So, I am leaving you with these amazing quotes I found today.  A few nuggets for thought on the fear of failure:

I am working on journaling an answer to the last question.  So I ask you:

What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?

Sending you all love and healthy wishes!

Keep Losing.


  1. Great post!

    If I wasn't afraid to fail I would move to a great big city, move to a high rise in downtown, and soak up all the culture and season. I could also easily sell everything and travel the world. I guess, if I weren't afraid to fail, then I would spread my wings and fly.

  2. This is SO true! I need to think about that last question. I think the answer is quit my job but I don't know what I'd do instead! Thanks for giving me something to really ponder.

  3. I worry about failing even as I am doing it. Or even as I am succeeding. I worry about it all the time and it often keeps me paralyzed. Sometimes fear is the only comfort/control we seem to have.

  4. If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd pursue my yoga teaching certification along with a curvy yoga specialization, and I'd offer free community classes to anyone who wanted to pursue greater health through movement.

  5. Excellent thought provoking post. I also need to think about this. I kind of want to switch it around. If I could guarantee success what would I do? If I could guarantee success, I would follow a good eating plan every day until I succeeded as long as I knew it would work, right now, it is just too far off and there are too many fails for me to want to keep it up the way I should I think.
