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Monday, February 16, 2015

Make A Change Monday - Week 7

Happy Monday! I hope you all had an amazing Valentine's Day weekend. We went out to lunch at Applebee's and then rented movies and stayed in Saturday night. Town was CRAZY BUSY and snuggling at home was much better than fighting traffic and crowds. Here is a pic of me with my 3 loves:

Last night the snow started and it hasn't stopped! 
The boys were already off school today, and they have already cancelled for tomorrow. We have gotten about 8 inches so far and the kids are loving it, the puppy not so much! We did make it out to go to my chiropractor appointment. Not much progress to report on my back. I'm scheduled for injections on March 2 and I'm praying for some relief. Tomorrow I see my foot surgeon to see if I need to have an additional surgery on my foot. 

Before the close of 2014, I signed up for a 52 week challenge that was based on making one small change per week to become a happier and healthier person. This is hosted by a "new to me" site I have been following called the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans.  Click here to go to their challenge page, and check out their site for some other awesome stuff while you are there. This challenge is based off of the book "52 Small Changes: One Year to a Happier, Healthier You" written by Brett Blumenthal.

This week's change is titled "Keep the Outside Out" and really focuses on creating a buffer space in your home for family and guests to take off their shoes and outerwear to keep the allergens from being dragged into your home. I try to have my kids and husband do this, but it doesn't always work. My oldest son and I both have allergies so I know this could help! You can go to the link above for more info about this change. 

One thing we do in our home is diffuse essential oils to help purify our air. I truly believe this makes a huge difference. Here are my top 3:

So here is a summary of our weekly changes so far:
Week 1 - Drink half of your body weight in ounces everyday.
Week 2 - Get 7-8 hours of GOOD sleep each night.
Week 3 - Implement regular and routine activity into your lifestyle.
Week 4 - Keep a food journal.
Week 5 - Develop an optimistic outlook.
Week 6 - Take a multi-vitamin.
Week 7 - Keep the outside out. 

By making one small change each week this year, we will be making huge steps towards becoming happier and healthier!

I am still on the search for more stories to share for Transformation Tuesday! If you would like a chance to tell your story, click here to fill out the form. I LOVE seeing all of the inspiration and we have to lift each other up! We are all in this together!

Sending you all love and healthy wishes!

Keep Losing,

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