This week's change is to enjoy time alone! This can be so difficult for us mothers as it seems our job never ends! But making time for ourselves is so important so we don't get burned out and grouchy!! Lol

And let's face it, we really can fit in a half an hour per day for ourselves if we really take time to look over our schedule and think about the time we spend doing things that are not all that important! Here are a few ways to spend your alone time:
- Reading
- Quiet time with God
- Exercise
- Take a nice walk
- Take a bath
- Sit on the porch and enjoy nature
So this week try to find a way to spend 30 minutes per day ON YOU!!!

So here is a summary of our weekly changes so far:
Week 1 - Drink half of your body weight in ounces everyday.
Week 2 - Get 7-8 hours of GOOD sleep each night.
Week 3 - Implement regular and routine activity into your lifestyle.
Week 4 - Keep a food journal.
Week 5 - Develop an optimistic outlook.
Week 6 - Take a multi-vitamin.
Week 7 - Keep the outside out.
Week 8 - Eat your veggies.
Week 9 - Enjoy time alone.
By making one small change each week this year, we will be making huge steps towards becoming happier and healthier!
I am still on the search for more stories to share for Transformation Tuesday! If you would like a chance to tell your story, click here to fill out the form. I LOVE seeing all of the inspiration and we have to lift each other up! We are all in this together!
Sending you all love and healthy wishes!
Keep Losing,
Share with me one way you will spend time alone this week?
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